Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Looking Back, Marching Forward

Okay, so I know it’s getting a little late for a new year’s post but hey, I’ve been busy and it’s my blog so there.

2010 was a transformative year for me spiritually. As I reflect back on it what I realize now is that God planted many seeds in my life over the last several years that grew and gradually changed how I viewed other people and the world around me. Through Christian music I got inspiration to start making changes in my life and become a man of action instead of just going through the motions and settling for the easy road. Through my church and the Bible study group there I became a seeker of God instead of just taking the Bible at it’s literal interpretation. These things combined transformed me and allowed me to have a spiritual awakening that I haven’t felt since my youth. I have a sense now of what making God Lord of my life really means and I strive to live every day in the footsteps of His Son and my Savior, Jesus Christ. It isn’t always easy, but it isn’t supposed to be either.

Last year this blog mostly served as a communication tool to keep my church informed of the progress we were making in implementing new technologies there. Now that BVCC’s website has blogging features of it’s own I can turn this blog back into a platform for communicating my ministry. “My ministry”, sigh, those are words I would have never uttered a year ago. I used to think only churches, ministers, and missionaries had “ministries”, not “normal” people like myself. Anyway, I digress. Since the major technology initiatives at my church are complete I plan to be more active on this blog. I already have over a dozen ideas for posts so that shouldn’t be difficult.

As far as other faith & technology projects for 2011 these are my goals:
  1. Continue to develop the BVCC website. I’ve outlined two more phases of the website upgrade which include a new look (template) and other advanced features.
  2. Work on maintaining the website for the Disciples YAC and create us a blog. We’ve already gotten the blog up and running, check it out here:
  3. Start my EveryDay Disciple Twitter experiment. More details on this to come but I have BIG ideas for this if it takes off.
  4. Get a group started for young adults that talks on topics of spirituality. I would like to also leverage technologies like Skype to take this online but I haven’t figured all that out yet.
So I’m super duper excited about what 2011 will mean for this ministry I’ve started. Yes, I’m a dork. :) Seriously, though, it should be fun to see where God takes this. It will likely be filled with plenty more restless nights too. But I’m stocked up on coffee so I’m ready to continue marching forward!

Hi Ho, Hi Ho............

p.s. If anyone would like to join me in this ministry of blending faith with technology I would welcome you with open arms.  For what one can do, many can do better!

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