Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cutting the Chains

I got a couple funny looks recently when I walked into my Bible study group with a pair of bolt cutters in my hand. I quietly set them against the wall though without any explanation. You see that day was going to be the day I finally cut the chains that had been holding back my faith. My past prejudices would finally be broken and my heart would be free at last!

About four years ago my wife and I were very involved in a mission project with our church. Blue Valley Christian Church would periodically house homeless families through an organization called Interfaith Hospitality Network. Our role was to turn the church’s classrooms into temporary bedrooms and otherwise make the church a hospitable and welcoming place of rest for the families. During one of our volunteer group meetings someone presented the idea of putting a picnic table and/or chairs out on the church’s lawn so that our guests could enjoy the beautiful evenings outside during their stay. I thought this was a great idea and knew that Costco was currently selling folding picnic tables so I offered to pick one up for our next host week. It was a really nice table and cost us a couple hundred dollars so at the time I felt some apprehension about leaving it outside unsecured. Even though the church is in a community with a fairly low crime rate and there was no history of theft I thought the picnic table would be easy pickings for a would be thief. I discussed this with my pastor who tried to reason with me saying, “I guess if someone steals it then they must need it worse than we do.” Seeing the troubled look on my face after saying this he quickly receded and offered to secure it to a tree or something that same day. I was glad he came to his senses and protected our new purchase.